Do Group Identity Politics HELP or HARM Minorities?

Group identity politics is an idea used over the past 30 years to try to defeat social injustice. In this post I will attempt to test rather it is specifically effective for minorities. Before doing so, the concept must be properly defined: Group identity politics is based on political positions focusing to divide people in society into... Continue Reading →

The Answer: Why do Black People Tend to Think Whites Are Racist Or Hateful Toward Blacks?

First things first, the goal in answering is NOT to bring about anyone’s emotion. This isn’t about morality therefore in this discussion it doesn't matter if anyone thinks a particular treatment is tragic or justified. A psychologist or economist limits their emotion and opinion in their analyses. Yes, they consider it in their notes. But in... Continue Reading →

Why I Walk into Church with my Head Down: A Semi-Sexism Story

Tunnel vision. My motion, my focus, is analogous to that of a Nascar driver. Tunnel vision. I park my car, walk through the double doors, tread softly past the daycare commotion, dodge through the packs of chattering people, enter into the main sanctuary, and finally sit down with my eyes glaring toward the stage. My... Continue Reading →

Youtube Moment: Beautiful, Childlike Worship For anyone older than 16, anytime we get a glimpse of the unique innocence of children, it reminds us of a "different" time in our lives. A time of believing in Santa Claus, fairies, and magic. Almost everything we did at this time in our lives was done with some sort of passion. I... Continue Reading →

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